====== Installation de l'appliance Engine ======
Nous installons l'engine sur le noeud 01. Il y deux méthodes pour l'installation :
* via le cockpit dashboard du noeud
* depuis la console en ligne de commande
===== Installation depuis le cockpit =====
Nous nous connectons à l'interface Web du cockpit du node :
Dans le menu à gauche, cliquez sur “Virtualization” et “Hosted Engine”. Appuyez sur le bouton “start” du choix “Hosted Engine”. Renseignez les informations concernant la VM à créer (configuration VM, réseau, utilisateurs…), et passez à la fenêtre suivante avec le bouton “Next”.
FIXME À poursuivre
===== Installation depuis la console =====
Nous nous connectons en SSH sur le noeud sur lequel nous allons installer l'engine \\
Nous lançons le playbook
# hosted-engine --deploy
Une série de question va nous être posée.
[ INFO ] Stage: Initializing
[ INFO ] Stage: Environment setup
During customization use CTRL-D to abort.
Continuing will configure this host for serving as hypervisor and will create a local VM with a running engine.
The locally running engine will be used to configure a new storage domain and create a VM there.
At the end the disk of the local VM will be moved to the shared storage.
Are you sure you want to continue? (Yes, No)[Yes]:
Configuration files: []
Please indicate the gateway IP address []:
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Execute just a specific set of steps]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Force facts gathering]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Detecting interface on existing management bridge]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Get all active network interfaces]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Filter bonds with bad naming]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Generate output list]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Validate selected bridge interface if management bridge does not exists]
[ INFO ] skipping: [localhost]
Please indicate a nic to set ovirtmgmt bridge on: (em1) [em1]:
Please specify which way the network connectivityshould be checked (ping, dns, tcp, none) [dns]: none
Please enter the name of the datacenter where you want to deploy this hosted-engine host. [Default]:
Please enter the name of the cluster where you want to deploy this hosted-engine host. [Default]:
If you want to deploy with a custom engine appliance image,
please specify the path to the OVA archive you would like to use
(leave it empty to skip, the setup will use ovirt-engine-appliance rpm installing it if missing):
Please specify the number of virtual CPUs for the VM (Defaults to appliance OVF value): [4]: 2
Please specify the memory size of the VM in MB (Defaults to maximum available): [14798]: 6144
[ INFO ] Detecting host timezone.
Please provide the FQDN you would like to use for the engine.
Note: This will be the FQDN of the engine VM you are now going to launch,
it should not point to the base host or to any other existing machine.
Engine VM FQDN: []: ove.lab.grohub.pro
Please provide the domain name you would like to use for the engine appliance.
Engine VM domain: [lab.grohub.pro]
Enter root password that will be used for the engine appliance:
Confirm appliance root password:
Enter ssh public key for the root user that will be used for the engine appliance (leave it empty to skip):
[WARNING] Skipping appliance root ssh public key
Do you want to enable ssh access for the root user (yes, no, without-password) [yes]:
Do you want to apply a default OpenSCAP security profile (Yes, No) [No]:
You may specify a unicast MAC address for the VM or accept a randomly generated default [00:16:3e:21:5b:ed]:
How should the engine VM network be configured (DHCP, Static)[DHCP]? Static
Please enter the IP address to be used for the engine VM []:
[ INFO ] The engine VM will be configured to use
Please provide a comma-separated list (max 3) of IP addresses of domain name servers for the engine VM
Engine VM DNS (leave it empty to skip) []:
Add lines for the appliance itself and for this host to /etc/hosts on the engine VM?
Note: ensuring that this host could resolve the engine VM hostname is still up to you
(Yes, No)[No] Yes
Please provide the name of the SMTP server through which we will send notifications [localhost]:
Please provide the TCP port number of the SMTP server [25]:
Please provide the email address from which notifications will be sent [root@localhost]:
Please provide a comma-separated list of email addresses which will get notifications [root@localhost]:
Enter engine admin password:
Confirm engine admin password:
[ INFO ] Stage: Setup validation
Please provide the hostname of this host on the management network [ovirt01.lab.grohub.pro]:
[WARNING] Failed to resolve ovirt01.lab.grohub.pro using DNS, it can be resolved only locally
L'installation commence. Au bout d'un d'une dizaine de minutes, nous arrivons à la configuration du stockage partagé. Nous utiliserons NFS.
Please specify the storage you would like to use (glusterfs, iscsi, fc, nfs)[nfs]:
Please specify the nfs version you would like to use (auto, v3, v4, v4_1)[auto]:
Please specify the full shared storage connection path to use (example: host:/path): ovirt01.lab.grohub.pro:/var/datadoms/engine
If needed, specify additional mount options for the connection to the hosted-engine storagedomain (example: rsize=32768,wsize=32768) []:
Au moment d'installer l'appliance par elle-même, il nous est demandé de confirmer la taille souhaitée pour celle-ci
Please specify the size of the VM disk in GiB: [51]:
Si tout s'est bien passé, le déploiement se termine sans erreur, et vous devriez avoir ce message
[ INFO ] Stage: Pre-termination
[ INFO ] Stage: Termination
[ INFO ] Hosted Engine successfully deployed
===== Connexion à l'interface de l'engine =====
Nous pouvons maintenant nous connecter à l'interface Web de l'engine en saisissant son URL dans notre navigateur